Fort Worth Providing Information About the AGC
in Fort Worth, Texas, From General Contractor Bob Moore Construction
was created by AGC member Bob Moore Construction to provide some historical perspective
on the history of construction advocacy and leadership in Ft. Worth. The history
of the AGC and the Ft. Worth Chapter of AGC had its origin in 1925, and includes
a merger with Dallas AGC in 2001 to form a single north Texas chapter.
its merger with ABC, North Texas Chapter, and subsequent name change to TEXO
The Construction Association, this organization is now the second largest
AGC / ABC Chapter in the United States, second only to the North and South Carolina
AGC / ABC Merger in Fort Worth - TEXOOn October 24, 2008 the
North / East Texas Chapter of the AGC (Associated General Contractors),
merged with Associated Builders and Contractors of North Texas (ABC), to
form a single organization. The new organization name change was effective January
1, 2009 and is now known as TEXO The Construction Association a Chapter of
AGC / ABC. TEXO is a Latin term meaning, "to weave or blend," appropriate
for the two Contractor organizations who for years have been competing associations.
The merger is a continuation of the evolution both organizations have experienced
over the past several years. Originally, AGC served general contractors primarily,
while ABC focused on sub-contractors and specialty contractors. Since 1995, the
memberships of both contractor associations have expanded to include general contractors
and sub-contractors alike, blurring the distinction between the two organizations.
the merger, the AGC / ABC Chapters speak as a unified voice for the entire construction
industry in Fort Worth. The merger will also leverage the greater operating efficiencies
of a consolidated headquarters staff and location. The principal location will
be in Dallas with a second location in Fort Worth.
The North and East Texas
Chapters of AGC and ABC, now known as TEXO, has completed a transition period,
consolidated their financial and personnel resources, thus completing the merger.
With approximately 1,800 member firms, TEXO a Chapter of AGC and ABC is now recognized
within the State of Texas as a powerful lobbying and advocacy group for the Fort
Worth construction industry. We hope you enjoy learning more about the Fort
Worth AGC and the construction industry in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex in
Texas. If you have any questions, please contact
us and we will respond shortly. NEXT:
History of the Fort Worth AGC AGC
Member Bob Moore Construction recognizes that the AGC Ft. Worth's name was changed
to TEXO The Construction Association in 2009. This
followed the merger of the North Texas Chapters of AGC and ABC. While initially
the name TEXO was not widely recognized with other construction and commercial
real estate businesses, it has since become well known and regarded. The merger
of AGC and ABC in Fort Worth will continue to offer benefits to the industry and
has already been instrumental in key legislative changes that have made a positive
impact for General Contractors as well as Specialty Contractors all over the state
of Texas. The purpose of this website is to provide historical information
about the Fort Worth AGC and to help make the new consolidated organization's
information easier for you to find. For more information about TEXO
The Construction Association Chapters of AGC / ABC, we encourage to you
to visit their website at: